g r a v e l
CONTRIBUTORS, September 2013
Nanette L. Avery lives in Nashville, Tennessee and is completing a new historical novel as well as working on a series of pieces that combines her artwork and video poetry. Her poetry, spoken words, and literary works can be found in publications such as Americana Magazine of Popular Culture; Digital Americana; Florida English Journal; Everyday Poems; Peace Studies Journal: A Project of Central New York Peace Studies and Broken Circles: an anthology dedicated to helping the "Broken Circles Hunger Project" and 4'33''. She can be found online here.
Tagen Towsley Baker is from the rural town of Mackay, Idaho. She received her BFA in Art from Idaho State University and her MA in English from Weber State University. Her work centers on her research interests in water ethics, sustainability, image text relations, and small farms. Her photography and poetry has appeared in Lullwater Review, Exit 13, Chaparral, and other places. She resides in her 130 year old house in Millville, UT with her husband, cat, and 2 dogs.
Aileen Bassis was born in New York City and now lives and works in Jersey City. She’s a poet and visual artist with a long career as an artist working in book arts, printmaking, photography and installation. Her artwork has been widely exhibited across the US and can be viewed online here. Her poems are published online at Underwaternewyork, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, Eunoia Review and in print in Still Point Arts Quarterly.
Kevin Carey teaches in the English Department at Salem State University. His work has been nominated for a Push Cart Prize, won Best of the Net 2011, and was a finalist for The Million Writers Award 2012. He recently was chosen as a finalist for 2012 Black River Chapbook Competition in Fiction. His co-written screenplay Peter’s Song won Best Screenplay at The New Hampshire Film Festival 2009 and his one act plays have been staged at The New Works Festival in Newburyport, Mass and The New Hampshire Theater Project. His first book of poetry is The One Fifteen to Penn Station, (Cavankerry Press, N.J.) Kevin is also a seventh grade basketball coach in Beverly, Mass and a part time filmmaker. He has recently completed a documentary film, with photographer Mark Hillringhouse, about New Jersey poet Maria Mazziotti Gillan, called All That Lies Between Us.
Christopher David DiCicco loves his wife and children—not writing stark minimalist stories in the attic of his home in Yardley, Pennsylvania. But he does. It's something he has to do, like sleeping or eating fish. His work has recently appeared in Nib Magazine, Intellectual Refuge, Sundog Lit., Cease, Cows! and Bohemia Arts & Literary—and is forthcoming in The Cossack Review, WhiskeyPaper, Flash Fiction Online, Bartleby Snopes, First Stop Fiction, and Penduline Press. You can follow him on twitter @ChrisDiCicco or visit him here.
Gwendolyn Edward is a graduate student in creative writing at the University of North Texas where she works with American Literary Review and North Texas Review. She also edits the literary speculative publication Deimos eZine, and you can find her here.
Brad Garber lives and writes in Lake Oswego, Oregon. He has published poetry in Cream City Review, Alchemy,Fireweed, Uphook Press, Front Range Review, theNewerYork, Ray’s Road Review, Flowers & Vortexes, Emerge Literary Journal, Generation Press, Penduline Press, Dead Flowers, New Verse News and other quality publications. Nominee: 2013 Pushcart Prize for poem, “Where We May Be Found.” His photographs have made it into the juried Seattle Erotic Arts Festival in 2011 and 2012, onto the front cover of the Summer 2011 edition of “N: The Magazine of Naturist Living,” and in the “Sexy Scribes Show,” in Nina’s Nook, in 2013.
John M. Gist's creative nonfiction and short stories have appeared in publications such as the Dr. T.J Eckleburg Review, Superstition Review, Spilt Infinitive, Prick of the Spindle, The Fiddleback, Dark Matter, Left Curve, New Mexico Magazine, and others. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He has three published novels and is co-author of the philosophical work Angst and Evolution: The Struggle for Human Potential and is founding editor of Red Savina Review.
Lori Lamothe's poetry and prose has appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Brevity Poetry Journal, Fogged Clarity, Goblin Fruit, Psychic Meatloaf, Seattle Review, Third Coast, mostlyfiction.com and other magazines. She lives in New England with her daughter and a red Siberian husky born on Halloween.
Jennifer Leavey is a nonfiction student in Lesley University's MFA Program. She loves baseball, caffeine, and Internet cats, and has previously been published in Commonthought.
Corey Mesler has published in numerous journals and anthologies. He has published 7 novels, 3 full length poetry collections, and 3 books of short stories. He has also published a dozen chapbooks of both poetry and prose. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize numerous times, and two of his poems were chosen for Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac. His fiction has received praise from John Grisham, Robert Olen Butler, Lee Smith, Frederick Barthelme, Greil Marcus, among others. With his wife, he runs Burke’s Book Store in Memphis TN. He can be found at his website here.
Brandon Meyers and Bryan Pedas are a pair of fraternal, mostly unrelated twins. Bryan is from just outside of Denver, Colorado and has never left because of a fear of the outside world. And Brandon was once from the same city but moved to Chicago, Illinois to pursue his dream of dodging stray gunfire. He’s back now. Please don’t shoot him.
They are the authors of the novels The Sensationally Absurd Life and Times of Slim Dyson, Dead and Moaning in Las Vegas, The Missing Link,Demetri and the Banana Flavored Rocketship, Chasing the Sandman, and the popular web-comic, A Beer for the Shower. Their forthcoming horror novelette collection The Graveyard Shift will be released on September 14, 2013. And unless you’re a tax collector or a Nigerian internet scammer, you’re invited to e-mail them here.
Michelle Ornat, originally from Northern California, has lived in Kentucky, Virginia, Italy and Western New York. A librarian, she recently returned to Southeastern Virginia where she currently manages a terrific public library. Her poems have appeared in The American Poetry Review, The University of Iowa’s Examined Life Literary Journal, Mas Tequila Review, Broad!, and Alliterati.
Ashley Parvin is an artist and architect with a B. Arch from the University of Texas. She still lives in Texas, attempting to create a beauty from the chaos.
Rudy Ravindra attended the 2012 Iowa Writers’ Workshop summer program. His fiction has been accepted for publication in Yellow Mama, Story Shack, Enhance, and Southern Cross Review. He lives with his wife in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Eldon (Craig) Reishus entertains a growing, less intimate circle under the Alps outside Munich (Landkreis Bad Tölz - Wolfratshausen). An old school Exquisite Corpse contributor, this year he has work featured or forthcoming in B O D Y (2 pieces), theNewerYork (2 pieces), Word Riot,MadHat Lit (2 pieces), Black Heart Magazine, Embodied Effigies, Whitewash Dreams Magazine, Subtopian, Misfits’ Miscellany (3 pieces), Knee-Jerk Magazine, The Write Room, The Fear of Monkeys, Cactus Heart Press, Whole Beast Rag, and The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts. He originates from Fort Smith, Stuttgart, Dachau, Owatonna, Bloomington, Granite Falls, Ytterboe at Saint Olaf, Minneapolis, Portland's State Street, Munich's Schellingstrasse, and Berlin's Schlossallee.
Jessica Thelen is a poet from Western Massachusetts, currently working on a full-length poetry collection, tentatively titled Nota Bene. Her work has appeared and/or is forthcoming in Mock Orange, Scapegoat Review, Blood & Thunder, Paper Nautilus, Split Rock Review, and Extract(s).
Sarah Yasin is a poet, pedagogue, and cashier from the state of Maine. She has poems in Glass, South85, and the Rorschach Occasional.